Sonja Pippin
Ph.D.- Consultant
Sonja brings to the firm an extensive background in taxation of business entities (C and S corporations, partnerships, estates and trusts) She is an assistant professor at the University of Nevada Reno where she teaches advanced tax courses.
Sonja spent her post graduate years working for Ernst Basler & Partner in Zurich, Switzerland and then in the tax department for Deloitte & Touche, LLP , Dallas Texas. After spending six years as a teaching assistant for Texas Tech University, Sonja took the position of Assistant Professor for the University of Nevada, Reno.
In addition to teaching various undergraduate and graduate accounting courses, Sonja focuses on accounting research. Her research interests include legal tax research, technology acceptance in the accounting and tax environment, as well as public policy (tax policy) and public finance related issues. She has published in several academic and practitioner-oriented journals such as the Journal of Legal Tax Research, the CPA Journal and Today’s CPA.
Education & Achievements
- Ph. D. Texas Tech University, 2006. Major: Business (Accounting / Tax);
- M.S. Texas Tech University, 2001. Major: Accounting (Tax);
- M.S. University of Zürich, Zürich (Switzerland), 1998. Major: Geography. Minor: History.
- The CPA Journal, Today’s CPA, LexisNexis, practice Insight, and the Journal of Legal Tax Research, and numerous academic journals.